This is an answer to the Open Call of Sum Flux’s second Volume, a project begun initially by
, and contributed to by many insanely talented others. Peep the prompt here and join the fun:Also, this piece is inspired entirely by
’s Promptmanteau generator; which you can find on Friday’s on his page — they’re loads of fun.Now, I hope you enjoy my foray into weird territory.
Oven mitts, a small ecosystem of particles and residue. Grease. Batter. Butter. Cotton fabric pushed into by blistered hands. Forearms branded by racks of heat.
Push push push.
Pan of brownies, push. Tray of cookies, push. Dish of Buffalo chicken dip with lactose free cheese, push. Abusive father, push.
Into the oven, 365, set the timer, 52 years.
Countertops, shelve the conversation. Forests of ingredients, reams of recipes. Cinnamon. Cayenne. Coriander. Cover the blisters, conceal the scars. Oven racks and razor blades both scar straight. Consult the reams; pan of brownies, tray of cookies, Michelle's dip, dad. Pull them all. Remove from heat, place in fire. Confrontation. Concede the point. Commit to act-shun. Let stand for 7 days, then respond.
September, October, November. Christmas, January, February.
Confront or con-front? Go to work, punch-in, cook stew. Boil, simmer, cool. Prep work, wade the weeds, punch-out. Home, bed, lights out.
Work, punch-in, pull prep work from the walk-in, wade the weeds of another midday rush. Punch-out, punch-out, punch-out.
February. Something, a text. Work. Punch. Stew on the text. Boil. Simmer. Cool. Ignore text. Comfort or confront?
Work. Punch. Stew. Maybe time to call a therapist. Have walk-ins? No. Book an appointment. Prep work. Stew.
Answer text. Receive text. Answer text. Silent for four fucking months and then this? Heats on high. Bloods boiling. Stews up. Punch out-Lash out-Lights out.
Ground and two weeks notice and forgiveness.
As much time as you need and no shit from nobody and maybe some advil. dude...this fuckin good.
Raw energy. Damn good